Convert From Foot per Second To Centimeter per Second
Foot per Second
A measure of speed. Measuring speed in f / s is less used compared to meter per second.
Centimeter per Second
A metric unit of measurement for the scalar (magnitude only) and vectorial (magnitude and direction) velocity. A body that moves at a speed of one centimeter per second overcomes one centimeter in a second. 1 Centimeter per second = 0.036 Kilometers per hour.
This online converter will allow you to easily convert speed between SI units, American (English), marine, etc..
convert from Foot per Second to Centimeter per Second
conversion of Foot per Second to Centimeter per Second
Foot per Second to Centimeter per Second
Foot per Second into Centimeter per Second
Foot per Second in Centimeter per Second
conversion from Foot per Second to Centimeter per Second
fps to cm/s