Convert From Troy Ounce To Milligram
Troy Ounce
Troy Ounce is a unit of weight used by banks and jewelers. It is equal to 31,1034768 grams. Equal to 1/12 troy pounds or 480 grains (a measure of weight, used, as a rule, in the pharmaceutical industry).
A unit of measure of weight, 1 thousandth of a gram, and accordingly 1 millionth of a kilogram.
This online converter allows you to simply convert a given unit of weight to other units.
1 Grain (gn., gr.) =
0.0647989 Gram (g)
6.47989 x 10-5 Kilogram (kg)
6.37755 x 10-8 Long Ton (lt)
6.47989 x 10-8 Metric Ton (t)
64.7989 Milligram (mg)
0.00228571 Ounce (oz)
0.0416667 Pennyweight (dwt, d)
0.000142857 Pound (lb)
1.02041 x 10-5 Stone (st)
7.14286 x 10-8 Short Ton (t)
0.00208333 Troy Ounce (
0.000173611 Troy Pound (
1 Gram (g) =
15.4324 Grain (gn., gr.)
0.001 Kilogram (kg)
9.84207 x 10-7 Long Ton (lt)
1.0 x 10-6 Metric Ton (t)
1000 Milligram (mg)
0.035274 Ounce (oz)
0.643015 Pennyweight (dwt, d)
0.00220462 Pound (lb)
0.000157473 Stone (st)
1.10231 x 10-6 Short Ton (t)
0.0321507 Troy Ounce (
0.00267923 Troy Pound (
1 Milligram (mg) =
0.0154324 Grain (gn., gr.)
0.001 Gram (g)
1.0 x 10-6 Kilogram (kg)
9.84207 x 10-10 Long Ton (lt)
1.0 x 10-9 Metric Ton (t)
3.5274 x 10-5 Ounce (oz)
0.000643015 Pennyweight (dwt, d)
2.20462 x 10-6 Pound (lb)
1.57473 x 10-7 Stone (st)
1.10231 x 10-9 Short Ton (t)
3.21507 x 10-5 Troy Ounce (
2.67923 x 10-6 Troy Pound (
1 Ounce (oz) =
437.5 Grain (gn., gr.)
28.3495 Gram (g)
0.0283495 Kilogram (kg)
2.79018 x 10-5 Long Ton (lt)
2.83495 x 10-5 Metric Ton (t)
28349.5 Milligram (mg)
18.2292 Pennyweight (dwt, d)
0.0625 Pound (lb)
0.00446429 Stone (st)
3.125 x 10-5 Short Ton (t)
0.911458 Troy Ounce (
0.0759549 Troy Pound (