Decibel Calculator
Oscillations and waves
Oscillations are called processes in which the movements or states of a system are regularly repeated in time. The oscillation period T is the period of time through which the state of the system takes the same values: u (t + T) = u (t). A wave is a disturbance (a change in the state of the medium) that propagates in space and carries energy without transferring matter. The most common are elastic waves, waves on the surface of a liquid, and electromagnetic waves. Elastic waves can only be excited in a medium (gas, liquid, solid), and electromagnetic waves propagate in a vacuum.
The decibel (dB) is a fractional unit of bel, equal to one tenth of this unit. Bel expresses the ratio of the two values of the energy quantity by the decimal logarithm of this ratio.
- Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Oscillations and waves
- Optics
- Electrodynamics
- Atomic physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Velocity
- Acceleration
- Projectile Motion
- Lever
- Newton's Second Law
- Newton's law of gravity
- Newton's Third Law
- Moment of force
- Force of friction
- Hooke's Law
- Inertia force
- Impulse
- Impulse Saving
- Kinetic Energy
- Potential Energy
- Work
- Efficiency
- Rocket Equation
- Density
- Pressure
- Ideal gas law
- Law of Boyle-Marriott
- Gay-Lussac's Law
- Charles's law
- Curie's Law
- Newton's law of cooling
- Specific Heat
- Latent Heat
- Carnot Efficiency
- Heat conduction
- Period of oscillation
- Oscillation frequency
- Angular frequency
- Harmonic phase
- Wavelength
- Speed of Sound
- Decibel
- Snell's Law
- Optical power of the lens
- Lens focal length
- Thin Lens Formula
- Angular resolution
- Bragg Diffraction
- Malus law
- Ohm's Law
- Kirchhoff's First Law
- Voltage divider
- Parallel circuits
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Lorentz force
- Electric charge
- Electrical work
- Electric power
- Electric field strength
- Charge density
- Electrical displacement
- Capacity