Fermi-Dirac Distribution Calculator
Quantum mechanics
Quantum physics is a branch of theoretical physics that studies quantum-mechanical and quantum-field systems and the laws of their motion. All modern cosmological theories also rely on quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles.
Fermi–Dirac statistics
Fermi – Dirac distribution in statistical physics - quantum statistics applied to systems of identical fermions (particles with a half-integer spin obeying the Pauli principle: the same quantum state cannot be occupied by more than one particle); determines the distribution of the probabilities of finding fermions at the energy levels of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium; allows you to find the probability with which the fermion occupies a given energy level.
fermi-dirac distribution
fermi level
particle distribution
thermal equilibrium
fermi-dirac statistics calculator
- Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Oscillations and waves
- Optics
- Electrodynamics
- Atomic physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Velocity
- Acceleration
- Projectile Motion
- Lever
- Newton's Second Law
- Newton's law of gravity
- Newton's Third Law
- Moment of force
- Force of friction
- Hooke's Law
- Inertia force
- Impulse
- Impulse Saving
- Kinetic Energy
- Potential Energy
- Work
- Efficiency
- Rocket Equation
- Density
- Pressure
- Ideal gas law
- Law of Boyle-Marriott
- Gay-Lussac's Law
- Charles's law
- Curie's Law
- Newton's law of cooling
- Specific Heat
- Latent Heat
- Carnot Efficiency
- Heat conduction
- Period of oscillation
- Oscillation frequency
- Angular frequency
- Harmonic phase
- Wavelength
- Speed of Sound
- Decibel
- Snell's Law
- Optical power of the lens
- Lens focal length
- Thin Lens Formula
- Angular resolution
- Bragg Diffraction
- Malus law
- Ohm's Law
- Kirchhoff's First Law
- Voltage divider
- Parallel circuits
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Lorentz force
- Electric charge
- Electrical work
- Electric power
- Electric field strength
- Charge density
- Electrical displacement
- Capacity