Convert From Decar To Hectare
1 Decar ( daa ) = 1.011736139214893 Rood (ro)
Decar ( daa ) is a unit of area, usually land. One decare is equal to 10 acres , ie. 1000 square meters . Although it is a basic unit, are was defined according to the older units of the metric system, but today it is not part of the SI system. Its use together with SI units is accepted but not recommended. Decar is rarely used in the world, except in Norway and countries that were previously under Turkish rule (including Macedonia ); The decor roughly coincides with the Ottoman dunam and exactly matches the metric dunam.
A hectare is a non-SI metric unit of area measurement equal to the area of a square with a side of 100 m: 1 ha = 10,000 m² = 2.471 acres = 0.01 km². Multiple unit area unit ar. The unit “hectare” and its international designation “ha” were adopted by the International Committee of Weights and Measures in 1879.
Using our calculator, you can easily convert units of area from one dimension to another.
Area is a numerical characteristic of a two-dimensional (flat or curved) geometric figure, informally speaking, showing the size of this figure. Historically, the calculation of the area was called quadrature.
Area is a numerical characteristic of a two-dimensional (flat or curved) geometric figure, informally speaking, showing the size of this figure. Historically, the calculation of the area was called quadrature.
1 Acre (ac) =
0.404686 Hectare (ha)
4.04686 x 107 Square Centimeter (cm²)
43560 Square Feet (ft²)
0.00404686 Square Kilometer (km²)
4046.86 Square Meter (m²)
0.0015625 Square Miles (mi²)
4840 Square Yards (yd²)
404686 Are (а)
40.4686 Square decimeter (dm²)
4.04686 x 10-28 Barn (b)
4.04686 x 106 Decar (daa)
4.09435 x 106 Rood (ro)
Square Centimeter
1 Square Centimeter (cm²) =
2.47105 x 10-8 Acre (ac)
1.0 x 10-8 Hectare (ha)
0.00107639 Square Feet (ft²)
1.0 x 10-10 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.0001 Square Meter (m²)
3.86102 x 10-11 Square Miles (mi²)
0.000119599 Square Yards (yd²)
0.01 Are (а)
1.0 x 10-6 Square decimeter (dm²)
1.0 x 10-35 Barn (b)
0.1 Decar (daa)
0.101174 Rood (ro)
Square Feet
1 Square Feet (ft²) =
2.29568 x 10-5 Acre (ac)
9.2903 x 10-6 Hectare (ha)
929.03 Square Centimeter (cm²)
9.2903 x 10-8 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.092903 Square Meter (m²)
3.58701 x 10-8 Square Miles (mi²)
0.111111 Square Yards (yd²)
9.2903 Are (а)
0.00092903 Square decimeter (dm²)
9.2903 x 10-33 Barn (b)
92.903 Decar (daa)
93.9934 Rood (ro)
Square Kilometer
1 Square Kilometer (km²) =
247.105 Acre (ac)
100 Hectare (ha)
1.0 x 1010 Square Centimeter (cm²)
1.07639 x 107 Square Feet (ft²)
1.0 x 106 Square Meter (m²)
0.386102 Square Miles (mi²)
1.19599 x 106 Square Yards (yd²)
1.0 x 108 Are (а)
10000 Square decimeter (dm²)
1.0 x 10-25 Barn (b)
1.0 x 109 Decar (daa)
1.01174 x 109 Rood (ro)
Square Miles
1 Square Miles (mi²) =
640 Acre (ac)
258.999 Hectare (ha)
2.58999 x 1010 Square Centimeter (cm²)
2.78784 x 107 Square Feet (ft²)
2.58999 Square Kilometer (km²)
2.58999 x 106 Square Meter (m²)
3.0976 x 106 Square Yards (yd²)
2.58999 x 108 Are (а)
25899.9 Square decimeter (dm²)
2.58999 x 10-25 Barn (b)
2.58999 x 109 Decar (daa)
2.62038 x 109 Rood (ro)
Square Yards
1 Square Yards (yd²) =
0.000206612 Acre (ac)
8.36127 x 10-5 Hectare (ha)
8361.27 Square Centimeter (cm²)
9 Square Feet (ft²)
8.36127 x 10-7 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.836127 Square Meter (m²)
3.22831 x 10-7 Square Miles (mi²)
83.6127 Are (а)
0.00836127 Square decimeter (dm²)
8.36127 x 10-32 Barn (b)
836.127 Decar (daa)
845.94 Rood (ro)
1 Are (а) =
2.47105 x 10-6 Acre (ac)
1.0 x 10-6 Hectare (ha)
100 Square Centimeter (cm²)
0.107639 Square Feet (ft²)
1.0 x 10-8 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.01 Square Meter (m²)
3.86102 x 10-9 Square Miles (mi²)
0.0119599 Square Yards (yd²)
0.0001 Square decimeter (dm²)
1.0 x 10-33 Barn (b)
10 Decar (daa)
10.1174 Rood (ro)
1 Barn (b) =
2.47105 x 1027 Acre (ac)
1.0 x 1027 Hectare (ha)
1.0 x 1035 Square Centimeter (cm²)
1.07639 x 1032 Square Feet (ft²)
1.0 x 1025 Square Kilometer (km²)
1.0 x 1031 Square Meter (m²)
3.86102 x 1024 Square Miles (mi²)
1.19599 x 1031 Square Yards (yd²)
1.0 x 1033 Are (а)
1.0 x 1029 Square decimeter (dm²)
1.0 x 1034 Decar (daa)
1.01174 x 1034 Rood (ro)
1 Decar (daa) =
2.47105 x 10-7 Acre (ac)
1.0 x 10-7 Hectare (ha)
10 Square Centimeter (cm²)
0.0107639 Square Feet (ft²)
1.0 x 10-9 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.001 Square Meter (m²)
3.86102 x 10-10 Square Miles (mi²)
0.00119599 Square Yards (yd²)
0.1 Are (а)
1.0 x 10-5 Square decimeter (dm²)
1.0 x 10-34 Barn (b)
1.01174 Rood (ro)
1 Rood (ro) =
2.44239 x 10-7 Acre (ac)
9.884 x 10-8 Hectare (ha)
9.884 Square Centimeter (cm²)
0.010639 Square Feet (ft²)
9.884 x 10-10 Square Kilometer (km²)
0.0009884 Square Meter (m²)
3.81623 x 10-10 Square Miles (mi²)
0.00118212 Square Yards (yd²)
0.09884 Are (а)
9.884 x 10-6 Square decimeter (dm²)
9.884 x 10-35 Barn (b)
0.9884 Decar (daa)