Convert From Cubic Inch To Quart
1 Cubic Inch ( in³ ) = 4.3290043 x 10-3 Gallon (gal)
Cubic Inch
A unit of measure for volume in the American and English systems of measures.
A unit of volume used in the United States, Great Britain and other countries to measure bulk or liquid volumes, equal to a quarter of a gallon. 1 quart = 2 pints, 1 US dry quart = 1.1012209 l., 1 American quart for liquids = 0.9463 l. , 1 British Imperial Quart = 1.1365 liters.
The online volume unit converter allows you to convert a given volume unit to other units.
Cubic Centimeter
1 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm) =
0.000264172 Gallon (gal)
6.28981 x 10-6 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
3.53147 x 10-5 Cubic Foot (ft³)
0.0610237 Cubic Inch (in³)
1.0 x 10-6 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.000219969 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.00175975 Imperial Pint (pt)
0.001 Liter (L/l)
1 Milliliter (ml)
0.033814 Ounce (fl. oz.)
0.00211338 Pint (pt)
0.00105669 Quart (qt)
Cubic Inch
1 Cubic Inch (in³) =
0.004329 Gallon (gal)
0.000103072 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
16.3871 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm)
0.000578704 Cubic Foot (ft³)
1.63871 x 10-5 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.00360465 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.0288372 Imperial Pint (pt)
0.0163871 Liter (L/l)
16.3871 Milliliter (ml)
0.554113 Ounce (fl. oz.)
0.034632 Pint (pt)
0.017316 Quart (qt)
Imperial Pint
1 Imperial Pint (pt) =
0.150119 Gallon (gal)
0.00357426 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
568.261 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm)
0.020068 Cubic Foot (ft³)
34.6774 Cubic Inch (in³)
0.000568261 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.125 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.568261 Liter (L/l)
568.261 Milliliter (ml)
19.2152 Ounce (fl. oz.)
1.20095 Pint (pt)
0.600475 Quart (qt)
1 Milliliter (ml) =
0.000264172 Gallon (gal)
6.28981 x 10-6 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
1 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm)
3.53147 x 10-5 Cubic Foot (ft³)
0.0610237 Cubic Inch (in³)
1.0 x 10-6 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.000219969 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.00175975 Imperial Pint (pt)
0.001 Liter (L/l)
0.033814 Ounce (fl. oz.)
0.00211338 Pint (pt)
0.00105669 Quart (qt)
1 Ounce (fl. oz.) =
0.0078125 Gallon (gal)
0.000186012 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
29.5735 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm)
0.00104438 Cubic Foot (ft³)
1.80469 Cubic Inch (in³)
2.95735 x 10-5 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.00650527 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.0520421 Imperial Pint (pt)
0.0295735 Liter (L/l)
29.5735 Milliliter (ml)
0.0625 Pint (pt)
0.03125 Quart (qt)
1 Pint (pt) =
0.125 Gallon (gal)
0.00297619 Barrel of Oil (bbl)
473.176 Cubic Centimeter (cc/ccm)
0.0167101 Cubic Foot (ft³)
28.875 Cubic Inch (in³)
0.000473176 Cubic Meter (m³)
0.104084 Imperial Gallon (gal)
0.832674 Imperial Pint (pt)
0.473176 Liter (L/l)
473.176 Milliliter (ml)
16 Ounce (fl. oz.)
0.5 Quart (qt)